Team Lead Applications
One of the best ways to experience a Burn is by volunteering or better yet becoming a Team Lead or Co-Lead!
We need you!
🌙 Team Lead Applications OPEN🌙
General Moon Teams
🌙Accessibility - works to ensure disabled and low-mobility participants have the accommodations they need to participate
🌙Art - facilitates the placement and display of art during the To The Moon event
🌙BAD Weather - (Burnado Atmospheric Department) onsite and offsite volunteer team monitoring radar software to track weather patterns directly on/around the property during events
🌙BOD - The Board of Directors guides the business side of the event, working with vendors and the ELT to create a safe space to burn
🌙Conclave - Fire performers and their safeties who initiate the effigy burn
🌙DPW - Department of Public Works is the workforce dedicated to building the physical
infrastructure of the burn.
🌙DMV - Responsible for inspection, licensing and processing of Mutant Vehicles.
🌙ELT - The Event Lead Team organizes and leads all the various volunteer teams to ensure a safe and successful event
🌙FAST - The Fire Art Safey Team inspects fire art at theme camps and art installations and oversees the effigy, temple, and any other structure burns during the event
🌙GATE - Responsible for scanning tickets and issuing wristbands.
🌙Greeters - Responsible for the orientation and education of each and every arrival before setting them loose as newly indoctrinated citizens of To The Moon. Greeting is a vital role that helps shape and form the initial perceptions and expectations of first time participants. Greeting is the one and only chance to communicate with each and every participant on a one-on-one basis.
🌙IT - Manages all things digital for our community, including the website and developing an app to connect our community online
🌙Lamplighters - a solemn group of robed individuals with poles slung over their shoulders, wending their way through to provide the city with illumination. They light and place kerosene lanterns atop the wooden spires that line the most heavily trafficked areas of town. The lanterns burn through the night.
🌙LNT- The Leave No Trace Team works to return the land back to its pre-event condition. The work ranges from removing large structures to picking up large and small bits of escaped trash and eradicating burn scars (the residue of fired sediment and ashes).
🌙LSD - The Leadership Support Department works to support leadership and volunteer teams with food, water, and anything else they might need to stay safe and happy
🌙Media/Content Creation - Manage and create content to share information with the community via fb, the newsletter, and the website
🌙Newsletter (Task Lead) - collect and format information and announcements for the monthly newsletter, The Apollo Press
🌙Parking - Organize parking and direct cars to the appropriate spaces in the parking lot
🌙Perimeter - This team sets up and maintains the burn perimeter around each burn to keep citizens safe. Help hold the line of safety and keep the Fire Burning.
🌙Placement - The Placement Team is made up of volunteers who facilitate the complex city planning and camp placement process to layout the neighborhoods of To The Moon.
🌙Purchasing (Task Lead) - Work with team leads and the BOD treasurer to order and track new inventory for our volunteer teams
🌙Quartermaster - Manages distribution of org. Materials and infrastructure to various volunteer teams during the event
🌙Rangers - Rangers are the “first response” team. Rangers are out in the city, connecting with participants and keeping an eye out for situations that need attention.
🌙Sanctuary - Sanctuary is a safe, quiet space for participants to come when they need to talk or get away from the sometimes overwhelming environment of a burn
🌙Shuttles - Organize and oversee the running of a golf cart shuttle team
🌙Signage - Create, post, and take down informational signage throughout the event
🌙Survival Guide - Create the survival guide to share information about the burn
🌙Volunteer Coordinator/Information - Facilitates volunteer recruitment for the various teams and acts as a point of contact for information and volunteering throughout the event