2019 Theme Camps
ACROdesiac Lunartics 🌙
Learn how to fly on The Moon! The Knoxville-based Acro community is bringing all things AcroYoga and Yoga to the moon for the fourth year! We are offering daily AcroYoga Jams, Morning Yoga Asanas, Meditation, and Thai massage. Play with us on big padded mats under our shade structure or chill in our Lunar Lotus Lounge. ​
Alcoholic Alliterators 🌙
We are the Alcoholic Alliterators. Accurately accentuating acts of awesome, We willfully welcome weary wanderers from near and far to come and convene with us in our lunatic lounge for comradery and convoluted collaborations of colorful consonants. We shall also Have a bar, full of secretly skillful sipping-liquids, run by the Whiskey Wizard! Where you can come and bring the commutative calamity of colorful conversations. Will will be spontaneously offering butt prints throughout the event as well as a totwaffle sunday brunch.
As Above So Below 🌙
As Above So Below is a collection of sky dwellers who have come to challenge you with one of humankind’s oldest mysteries, What lies beyond the clouds? Come see for yourself at our relaxing Cloud 9 Lounge.
Axis Mundi 🌙
What if you could see reality as it is? What if you could see you as you truly are? Step into the natural, step into the deep end, and find your center. Obtain the download you need to evolve on your journey. Axis Mundi is a place to ground and connect through guided meditations, yoga, and a social event, the "Mundi Mixer." Surrounded by fae and wood nymphs, deep in the lush fern-gully gazebo, become immersed in a multi-sensory mediation experience of sight, sound, smell and touch!
Balance 🌙
Slackline, round the clock tea, sound system for shill and DT tunes, small projector for vids, interesting books and games, cozy space, workshops (meditation to yoga), sword-fighting, dance space, flow space, wind down or power up!
Barefoot Barbaloots 🌙
A wonderland of pretty lights. Frolic among the Truffula Trees! Rest under our shade by day and by our fire at night.
Brownie Brothel 🌙
Burning Yacht Club 🌙
We bring floats for the water, a planetarium, a 18x24 strech tent, and we have the pyro pirates glass burning booth if we get enough tickets .
Camp Discordia 🌙
Have you seen the fnords yet? If so, then you can probably find our camp too! Come blast off with us through a projector-scaped environment, partake in some flow arts, or chill by our fire barrel while you take in a show. Recharge your fuel here so you can blast off again! And Hail Eris (or don't)!
Camp Gargle 🌙
We are love to gargle! Gargle what you ask? Anything that fits in our throat.
Camp Grilled Cheese 🌙
We make your grilled cheese dreams come true. Serving your favorite sandwich, fresh all day. Twice Daily.
Camp Just People 🌙
Camp Just People, where we do what we want, and what we want most is to be entertained.
Camp No Friends Here 🌙
A bunch of laid back assholes all congregating together...
Camp PFA Camp 🌙
The phenomenally fabulous adults that have built Camp Pure Fucking Awesome came together as a bunch of random burners in open camping during To The Moon 2017. Since then we have curated our lunar efforts into creating a space for all playfully funky astronauts to enjoy. Come explore our palpitating, fantastical apparatuses in the shade of the Tennessee trees. We've got several perfectly fine activities planned ranging from food, to arts and entertainment. We hope you join us for our next plentifully fancy affairs on the Dark Side of the Moon!
Camp PFA Lounge 🌙
CPaF will be grilling up quesadillas in the evening; come by and hang out with the politest, most fuckiest hippies on the Moon!
Camp Poor Life Choices 🌙
A group of friends coming together with the understanding that we've all made poor life choices, but they don't define us. That being said, we're always down to make some more!
Camp Tea and Greet 🌙
A comfy camp space to meet new and old friends. Join us for tea, meet and greet games and more!
Camp Where's Jeff🌙
Who's Jeff? Where did he go? When is he coming back? Who's lighter did he take this time? Come find out why you'll be asking these questions. Also, enjoy the space eggs.
Cirque Sur La Lune 🌙
We are just a small camp of aerialist misfits bringing circus To The Moon! We will have our aerial rig up all weekend, performing our aerial arts for all to see.
Coffee Camp 🌙
hot or cold Caffeinated beverages available daily. bring a playa mug or use a loaner. stay for a friendly conversation with your baristas or others.
Do It Less Shitty 🌙
Less is More....
Dolls to the Wall 🌙
A merry band of drink-makers and weirdos slightly obsessed with baby doll heads (they will be our main form of decor). We will have 3 or so predetermined drinks we will be offering throughout the burn. 1 or 2 drinks will challenge the notion of what a "good" drink is (bacon fat and sardine mimosa anyone?). We will have one piece of fire art (a passive flow system, no poofers or the like) that is a part of our bar., chill spaces with signage regarding the 11th principle (Consent!). We will be playing music most of the burn (with a wide swath of genres).
DRAGon 🌙
Camp of drag queens and performance artists who are just trying to keep it weird
Glasstaculopolis 🌙
We blow glass and shake ass. Occasionally with fancy cheeses.
Hippie Haven 🌙
Hippie Haven is a safe space to just be. We have shade and cooling fans. Come take a load off from you burn and just be hang with us.
Hishersenua 🌙
Holy Catrimony 🌙
We hope to bring the wedding cats back again for more feline antics, this time in a Wonderland art display. Our goal is to have a chill, quiet space to spend the heat of the day, drinking tea and wishing Time weren't quite so cross with us that teatime never ends.
Home Skool 🌙
We cook breakfast for 100 people Fri and Sat mornings and have art parties scheduled throughout the weekend.
Illumination 🌙
Inter-Stellar Trill Goats 🌙
Interstellar Trill Goats! We are Radically Obnoxious! We offer a chill and friendly environment, with our Interstellar Sound Lounge and space-themed, goat-themed art!
Intergalactic Goodies 🌙
From homemade goodies to a lunar lounge and flavor tripping -- it's where more than the sweets are out of this world!
Interstellar Eggspressions
The camp center piece will be a mural of eggs in space, which it is our intention to paint using UV reactive paint and illuminate by UV lights at night. We hope. There may be other space egg related items about. The "egg" thing is an inside joke.
One of our virgins is a talented singer/songwriter who is interested in leading a jam session at the camp.
Kind and Kinky 🌙​
Little Bohemia 🌙
We are a sound camp with fire and shit. We also do a tydye event, as well as a self-marriage ceremony.
Lo-Fi Beats to Camp & Burn To 🌙
Chill and relaxing space to come chill and burn too.
Made in the Shade 🌙
Every year we tarp a part of the dark side of the moon for a quiet dry place for all to share. It stays about 20 degrees cooler. There will be a lounge area and lots of groovy decor.
Martian Playground 🌙
A psychedelic chill lounge with trippy projected visuals, kaleidoscopes, toys, electric tingles, and downtempo world grooves. Self Serve spiced gingery tea served nightly. Daytime 100% UV blocking deep shade.
McButtStuff Entertainment Emporium Presents: Zone 6 🌙
McButtstuff has returned and is bringing the spirit of Atlanta with it! We are back to our old tricks with projections and expected nonsense. This year comes with a twist. We proudly present Zone 6! Come experience a place to just express the trash you feel like inside! Our usual camp experience with a new screen (more fitting to the McButtstuff name, R.I.P. BMO), and hip hop throughout the burn. Just cause we are on the moon, doesn't mean you can't experience the city.
Merbuddah Triangle 🌙
Come get lost in the MerBuddah Triangle with us as you traverse the Oceans of the Moon. We offer the HERstory of MERstory storytime with the Mermaids, A TWERKshop shaking loose the veils of the divine Feminine, A brief lecture on Misophonia, and a live Victrola set by DJ Passe. MISO SEXY, Our Miso and lingerie bar, offers miso soup and lingerie, to all Lunatics, and doubles as a "secret" cold brew coffee bar when we feel like it. Pay homage and leave an offering to the MerBuddah Alter in our dome. Ask for clarity on how to get out or pray to stay lost forever, all are welcome. Looking for a lost pirate, sailor, or pilot? You may want to check the MerBuddah Triangle.
Mermaid Oasis 🌙
We provide blessed, filtered, healthy water at our Hydration Station, our Oasis, at the dance parties, and on the go. Mermaids offer a safe, relaxing environment using our lounge, crystal grid and sacred altars to provide a watery, welcoming vibe to all on The Moon.​
Moonspiracy Village: Headroom, Singe City, RUKCUS 🌙
Come dance with us under the fire and lasers while enjoying alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages from our bar. We are a conglomerate of camps that have teamed together to bring you experiences all weekend long including themed parties and DJs all night long. Enjoy Singe City's ultimate fire performance area and dance stage, Headroom's bangin beats and bar, and the infamous cuddly squanch pad a la RUKCUS.
My Wife's Rack 🌙
Won't you come check out My Wife's Rack? Our dream is simple: change your relationship with clothes. See anything that strikes your fancy at our treasure chest? Play dress up with us as you peruse our selection of fine fun sexy sparkly shiny sheer bright glamorous colorful flashy gaudy clothing, costumes, accessories, wigs, hats, jewelry. Find that magical something fit for only you. We are not a costume exchange—although we love burn-worthy donations—instead considering ourselves clothing matchmakers working to make the burn brighter for everyone. Our Cinderella rack is full of fabulous finds seeking the perfect fit. Now offering disguising services. See how long it takes your campmates to recognize you.
From My Wife's Rack to yours.
Neptune Ninjas 🌙
Join us for TTM talks, demos, noodle battles, tai chi, & animal totem readings. The Ninjas are ready for anything!
Organic Inspiration 🌙
Organic Inspiration is about being inspired organically, in the moment. We have instruments and lights and everyone is welcome to come play with us. You may get a round tuit or a special moment or something new as a gift. We have a lot of Israelis in the group that bring some of their culture to the burn through music, especially drumming and food. We are musicians and artists and love to joke around. We are kid-friendly.
Polite as Fuck
Queers Next Door 🌙
We're here, we're queer, we've got a friendly atmosphere.
Renegade Sound 🌙
Sound camp, live from noon to midnight.
Shameless 🌙
Shameless is a LBGTQWERTY friendly camp and we are truly without shame. There isn’t much that someone from our camp will not do for your entertainment! Shameless is a Sex-Positive, love-filled theme camp …. Plus we drink a LOT.
Sheriff's Office 🌙
Come get deputized!
Sherwood Moon Base 🌙
Sherwood Moonbase is a welcoming warm environment with hot tea ready to go at a self-serve station and a chill lounge to kick back in. The apothecary at our camp will house several teas, tinctures, syrups and tonics to accommodate attendee ailments. Come hang loose in our hammock dome, day or night.
Space Escape 🌙
Escape to a soft landing pad with dancing lights in all directions. Indulge your eyes on luxurious luminosity; watch as the waves and particles prance on the ceiling of the dome. Let your senses enjoy the serenity of shade and cool air as you make interstellar connections with those in your orbit at The Space Escape.
Spontaneous Combustion [prevention] 🌙
Come cool off with us before you burst into flames! We'll have a large shade structure with lots of fans and chill space, a line in the river to tie off your inner tube and relax, and a floating bar!
The Bizarre Barzaar 🌙
The Bazaar aims to be a relatively mellow zone for artsy folk to skill share, practice, and perform for each other, with hookah, coffee, kombucha, and moonshine(21+) served to keep everyone's spirits abuzz. This isn't a place go crazy and party all night, but if you like the idea of grooving to downtempo and psychedelic rock while partaking in some juggle and chill with new friends, we're happy to have you!
The Black Lodge 🌙
We are The Black Lodge. Last year we brought a tiki bar, this year we are taking it a little easier since we are prepping (and spending) for Burning Man. We'll still serve some sort of booze, but it won't be served out of a fancy bar.
The Broken Drum 🌙
Come join us at every wizard's favorite bar, The Broken Drum! We've got beer on tap, heroes aplenty, and the occasional rowdy bar brawl (just kidding!). Magical happenings are not in short supply here, so beware - you may not leave the same as when you enter...because you also stopped by our one of a kind Ye Olde Costume Shop - Damsel in Dis Dress! Or maybe just because you were beaten by angry trolls...
The Department of Synergy 🌙
Department of Synergy is a camp of mad scientists! Come see our traveling science fair and learn more about miracle fruit, our geocaching game, and knock back some glowing drinks at night. Learn more about the science behind our experiments while you’re visiting!
The Halloweiners 🌙
The Halloweiners is a theme camp that celebrates the magic of the two best things in life: Halloween and wieners.
Stop by our camp and enjoy spooky Halloween decor 24/7. Also enjoy grilled wieners Friday for dinner from 6-8 PM and Saturday for lunch from 12-2 PM. Beef, turkey, and vegan choices will be available, so get them before they run out!
In an effort to advocate safe sex and to show our love for wieners, we’ll also be handing out free condoms (and condiments).
The Kommon Ruins 🌙
The year is 2119... A hundred years after the near destruction of humanity from an unknown technologically advanced race there is a beacon. From it lies a special place... a ruin of the last of the planets combined technology infused with alien technology. Once a year the remaining humans join together to bear light at its ancient coliseum.
The Living Dead Room 🌙
Come to our living room of the dead for some good, wholesome family time with music, art, games, and lively conversation.
The Tree of Wants & Whims: Faerie Magick 🌙
We faeries create augmented wishing art trees with large scale sculpture, lighting, hanging faerie gardens, and magick along with bringing aerial arts, fire, and whimsy to create mystical spaces where you can get in touch with your heart’s desire. Come make a wish​
Tilted Hanger 🌙
Tilted Hanger invites all (radical inclusion) to engage (participate) in (radical self expression) in finding your true burner self! We believe it is our duty (civic responsibility) to guide you in your freedom to receive without a price(de-commodified), receive without having to return (gifted) an experience from your community (communal effort), as we challenge you to become (self reliant) and to (leave no trace) i.e., take your undies with you!! (Immediately!)
Unicorn Stampede 🌙
The main focus of our camp will be my art instillation- the Pocket Dimension Waystation! I have made 15 "cabinets" that will be hung up, and each one contains a unique scene, and some include special gifts or activities, and every single one is interactive, inviting participants to experiment with different lighting effects, flipping switches to see what will happen, etc. The Waystation will also have some "artifacts" discovered by "other travelers" placed on shelving between the cabinets for people to find and play with- a special cube prism that makes amazing light refractory patterns when looked through, a music box, and other goodies! I will also be providing a "fitting room" for several large low-poly masks I am making that people can try on and play with, take photos, etc. I will be gifting these out as well throughout the weekend.
We Fuck Loud 🌙
Just a warning.
Where?House 🌙
The Where?House is returns To The Moon to once again. We come to provide great music, a welcoming space, a beautiful bar, and our famous moonshine. Come "shake that thing" on the dance floor, or grab a beverage at the bar, or relax on a couch. We hope to enhance your moon landing.
World Spirits 🌙
We have drinks from around the world and stories to go with them. Come learn some new traditions and share in the community!
You Are Beautiful
You Are Beautiful Camp recognizes the divine beauty in all of us, shared through a smile, a conversation, music, dance, laughter, and play. Come enjoy a beautiful moment with us, and help us perceive even clearer how amazing you are. Remember: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL. This camp is a safe space to unfold your true beauty and to be loved and accepted. We feature whimsical art, relaxation, connection, and playful jubilance!
Zentopia 🌙
A place of spiritual and physical enlightenment mixed with kink and cuddles.
3rd Aid 🌙
We run several massage tables for any action hippies in need of repair throughout the event. Please keep in mind that our availability may vary depending on human factors [this shit's hard work and we are all volunteers].
One way or another our tables and oil are open for anyone to use so if you'd like to swing by and hang out or make use of our space feel free. Welcome to Third Aid, un-fuck your burn.