We’re implementing something new and exciting to bring more of the community into the planning of the event and create more ownership of the event within the community which attends it. In the past - most of the work has been on the BOD/ELT and this year we are needing to decentralize the leadership a bit to lighten the load and allow for Teams to have more autonomy and energy to focus on smaller pieces of the pie while bringing in more mind-melts from our bright, beautiful and intelligent outer space commoonity. This year we need all the brains we can get to make something magical while not burning ourselves out. As Andrea and Gabi are honoring our term limits on the BOD, we are passing the torch to the 2022 BOD who will be condensing responsibilities and sharpening focus.
We would like to expand the pre-event load of the Event Lead Team to a wider event planning committee, the Council of Elders that’s open and transparent to any of our past/current or future leadership who are wanting to be part of the fun stuff conversation!
We still intend on running the ELT and team leads as they’ve been in the past but with more ownership and less micromanaging from the BOD. We want to instill the Council of Elders to share knowledge and skills and delegate action items and tasks for smaller pieces of the pie (say someone wants to run the media team or land project mgmt and that’s all they can or want to handle… we can guide and help make it easier on everyone) ::: The Council of Elders will meet once a month to talk shop and get shizz done and is open to anyone who has been a part of making moon magic happen in the past (or wants to be in the future), including those currently on leadership teams.
Our magical Moon family needs this BURN to happen and right now we need as many brilliant minds to unite, participate, and communally make this a reality. We have ALL put a lot of effort, time and energy into this burn already for the past couple years – and looking at the gathering of badass leaders that came together at Catoosa this summer …. I know in my heart we can do this together.
We want to start the new year with fresh energy and new vibrant vibes so we can all burn in 2022 at Catoosa together…. But we need some help!
If you’d like to hear more or are interested in participating in the fun stuff - reach out to connect@tothemoonburn.com with interest and we can start the conversation. Let’s reignite the spark by bringing in more excited minds into the mix - unite our Lunar Family and bring TTM 2022 into reality!