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Community Vote for 4 New Art Grants!!

Writer's picture: To The Moon BurnTo The Moon Burn

Updated: May 2, 2019

We collectively raised $800 for the Art Department at To The Moon! This means we can fund a couple more of our favorite art grant applications. We are leaving it up to YOU to decide which projects you would like to see make a Lunar appearance this year!


🌙 Axis Mundi 🌙 $200

Enter the Dreaming Gate portal into our large, open communal space with Midsummer's Night Dream inspired décor. The floor of the tent will be lined with "water painted" foam tiles, surrounded by "stone look" covered cuddle puddle pillows and toad stools for all the nymphs. The structure of the tent will be covered in flora and fauna. Walls are hung with hand painted black light designs with fairy lights to create deep within the nature scene, a trompe l'oeil or trick the eye effect. The center of the tent will hold our Tree of Life growing from a well that represents our Axis Mundi. The tree will hold our projection equipment for night time canopy images and glitched nature visuals. Most of the day this area will be used to chill in a shaded nature space, with fans, misters and wonderful aromatherapy, infused waters, daily yoga classes and workshops by instructors with over 19 years teaching experience. However, after the sun goes down the Shaman comes out to lead guided meditations and fish-eye projected images of nature, gods/goddess and fractals as the smells take you deeper intentions can be set. After intentions/guided meditation events are over the community can enjoy the projection show and musical stylings from a high quality surround sound set up. We will have an added reflection tent where the community can see the beauty within surrounded by mirrors, positive affirmations and lights.


🌙 Bizarre BarZaar🌙 $200

Hippie after hippie passes you making weird slurping sounds while staring wide eyed at their cup. Confused, you continue down your path, when your eyes are attracted to an illuminated portal just off the road. Above an LED laced gateway to infinity are two faces offering libations and based off the happy faces of the departing customers, the drinks must be good. Melding two ideas into one; the Bizarre BarZaar will consist of an extra large infinity mirror from whence a variety of bottomless beverages will pour out. Every surface of the bar will be decorated- we will paint murals with UV reactive paint on the top and sides and line everything with led strips. The Bizarre BarZaar will offer homemade cold brewed coffee, bubble tea, kombucha, and moonshine. We will be serving beverages both during the day and at night to quench thirsts of all kinds. The kombucha and moonshine are being self-funded and do NOT need to be further considered in this application, but they will be available on site as drink options. Because of the additional customization and complexity that come from coffee and bubble tea (also the lack of alcohol), we DO hope to get funding for making these drinks. The highlight of our selections will be our bubble tea bar. We are excited to share this slightly unusual beverage experience with burners, especially those who have never gotten the chance to try it. Bubble tea, a Taiwanese tea-based drink, is a funky and fun beverage that can offer burners both a drink, a snack, and culturally significant experience all in one.


🌙 A Token of Her Extreme, the Magic Carpet Time 🌙 $200

This performance includes a vibrant character, Lady Tourmaline, that rides a cart shaped like a chaise lounge covered in luxurious blue fur.  The lounge is covered by an umbrella made of sticks, dyed linen, vines, and lights.  The underneath and inside of the cart is decorated and covered with objects from thrift stores and beautiful found items that inspire the healing session. The chaise lounge or, the Magic Carpet Ride, is pulled by Granon, a short, hairy, mostly undressed man, who is only spoken to through a copper tube and never directly looked at or interacted with. Many acts and segments of the story unfold during this magic carpet ride as they hurl through the universe, pushed along by the magical Granon.  Appearing to be going slow, they are actually going light speed around the world as they embark on their transcendent session. This is an interactive performance and site specific installation art cart.  The frame of this cart will be made out of an old dresser, an antique bed frame I found, and bought off-road casters.  Decorated with foraged, found, off-cast, and garbage-picked items such as furniture, kitchen tools and vessels, and natural objects, this art piece is assembled to bring a section of my home, a.k.a. my love and homage, to fellow planet members.  I will invite my new friends onto the structure for a ride.  During this ride, we will transcend together while I make them a drink. The potion ingredients will be stored in compartments and drawers underneath the cart that contain lights and bottles.  They are given the potion as a gift, along with a poem written for them on the side of their hand-folded vessel made of blessed parchment paper.  We will commune in the spirit of the ride as we transcend and transform our way through the moon, as we bask under the twinkling lights, in opulent textures, mind-bending toys, and mystical music boxes.  The riders will be invited to look through drawers and compartments on the ride, conjure visions in the crystal ball, or just relax. 


🌙 Small Wonders / Pocket Dimensions 🌙 $200

Small Wonders was conceived after a discussion about quantum physics with my son. We were discussing how a large thing, like a universe, could be compacted to be extremely small in higher dimensions. This led to me telling him about the final scene in Men In Black, where our universe is shown existing inside a post office locker of another universe. This project will have cabinets, which I am making, hung from grid-wire walls (I already own them). Inside of each cabinet will be a world or miniature scene that is self-contained inside of the cabinet. I am including kirugami (Japanese paper cutting) and battery operated lights to give the scenes different looks between night and day. The wire grids will also have lights woven between the cabinets to draw attention at night. The cabinets will also include a Gifting Cabinet for giving as well as one for receiving, and I will be leaving a notepad, pencils, pens, etc for people to leave messages if they do not have a gift handy, but want to leave something. Some of the cabinets, such as the Lorax scene, are tribute to some of my favorite theme camps over the years. Others are wholly original, but all will be surrealistic and otherworldly!


🌙 Tree Star City 🌙 $200

A collection of stingray tentsile tents, hammocks, and oversized dream catchers for burners to climb closer to the stars. Last year we brought three tentsiles and over 20 hammocks, this year we will be bringing ten tentsiles and over 30 hammocks for everyone to enjoy. Burners can climb throughout the tentsiles and hammocks and our PFA theme camp will be hosting events in Tree Star city including High Moon Games, Moomoos and Mimosas, and other activities under development.

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